7PM in Istanbul
17 October 2019 Partners’ meeting session took place a day before the opening of the MOV-UP International Valorisation Conference in Istanbul. Logistic details for the conference plenary sessions and the moderation of the workshops had been arranged. A short overview...
6PM in Malta
11 – 14 June 2019 Centre for Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health at the University of Malta hosted the 6th MOV-UP project meeting. Partners reviewed the abstracts received in response to the Call for contributions for participation in the MOV-UP International...
5PM in Rethymno
30 March – 3 April 2019 The 5PM was hosted by the University of Crete. The partners’ meeting gave an opportunity to the project experts to take part and observe Inquiry-based learning activities with participation of teachers and children in preschool and primary...
4PM in Kranevo
29 August 2018 A partners’ meeting session was carried out in the frames of the International Teacher Training Course in Kranevo (Bulgaria). During the short meeting partners exchanged information about the project development so far, discussed the post-ITTC...
3rd Project Meeting in Collodi
26 – 28 February 2018 In February 2018 Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collody hosted the 3rd MOV-UP project meeting. The meeting was important milestone before submission of the Progress report for the project. In Villa Arcangeli which houses one of the educational...
Antrasis projekto susitikimas Panevėžyje
Antrasis projekto partnerių susitikimas vyko Panevėžyje (Lietuva), 2017 m. birželio 11–14 d. Partneriai diskutavo apie projekto rezultatus bei planavo nacionalinius mokytojų mokymus. Šio vizito metu partneriai turėjo galimybę susipažinti su Panevėžio rajono meru...
Pirmasis projekto susitikimas Sofijoje
Pirmasis MOV-UP projekto partnerių susitikimas, kurį organizavo Sofijos savivaldybės rajono apylinkė „Nadezda“ ir Tarpkultūrinio bendradarbiavimo fondas, įvyko Sofijoje (Bulgarija) 2017 m. vasario 15–19 d. Projekto partneriai planavo projekto veiklas bei įgyvendinimo...