
Cascading in Crete (Greece)

Cascading in Crete (Greece)

November and December 2019 were full with MOV-UP cascading activities, organised by the Department of Preschool Education at the University of Crete.  Three workshops, attended by more than 65 participants took place in the UoC Gallos Campus in...

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Cascading in Malta

Cascading in Malta

25 November 2019 Cascading seminar “Early Childhood Education: Building sustainable motivation and value paradigm for life” took place on the 25th November 2019 in the University of Malta. The event was opened with an introduction by Prof Carmel Cefai - head of the...

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Cascading in Bulgaria

Cascading in Bulgaria

25 November 2019   “MOV-UP achievement trajectory” was the title of the cascading seminar on the MOV-UP project, held in Sofia on 25 November 2019. The event welcomed more than 50 principals - teachers of preschool and primary education, representatives of local...

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Cascading in Italy

Cascading in Italy

The MOV-UP cascading event in Italy was hosted by Istituto comprensivo di Lizzanello in provincia di Lecce. In 5 training sessions, carried out in November 2019 the tutor Luigi Buizza introduced the topics of narration, digital storytelling and emotional...

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Cascading in Turkey

Cascading in Turkey

26 June 2019 The MOV-UP cascading in Turkey was implemented with a professional development session on 26 June 2019 in Istanbul. The session held in Acibadem Doğa School campus included topics on “Development of Social Emotional Skills in Early Childhood Education” by...

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Cascading in Lithuania

Cascading in Lithuania

10 June 2019 Series of 3 training events carried out in the first half of 2019 marked the cascading of the MOV-UP project in Lithuania. Pre-primary and primary stage teachers took part in the seminars which took place in February, April and June.  In-between the...

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First Teacher Training Seminar

First Teacher Training Seminar

The first teacher training seminar within the international project “Early Childhood Education – Building Sustainable Motivation and Value Paradigm for Life” (MOV-UP) took place in Sofia on 17 and 18 February 2017. The project is initiated by the Sofia Municipality...

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